Sox, The Demo Dog

06/14/2010 23:01




I took Sox and Spice to Petsmart tonight just to visit and have fun. 


Spice peed outside and she and Sox were having a good time visiting with the people outside (I swear it took us 10 minutes to get through the doors - lol). 


We finally walked inside and made it down to the 2nd aisle and Spice decided to poop in the store. I was flabbergasted! Sox has NEVER used the bathroom in any of the stores I've taken her into or in our house (I swear she has spoiled me!). I said, "Spice, NO!" and scooped her up. Sox turned around to see what the commotion was and STEPPED in it. Oh my goodness :( 


The good thing was she only stepped in the very end but it was enough to make little poop pawprints where she was walking. I grabbed both of them and put them in a sit/stay at the end of the aisle. Then I started cleaning it all up. (I can hear you guys snickering now - lol) 


Spice kept getting up trying to come smell and I kept putting her back! It took about 5 times but she finally stayed. 


I got it all cleaned up, then started cleaning Sox's paw. I finally just took the spray and wet her paw down to get it all out  (makes an ucky face). 


Of course during all this, my friends kept coming by to see what had happened - lol! 


When I finished I took them outside to the potty area but they didn't need to go now (darn dogs!). 


So I had to laugh, and we went back inside. 


We went over to the training center because I heard dogs and I wanted to see them. It was a puppy class (SO cute and such a variety of dogs!). Marie saw me and asked if I had Sox. When she saw that I did, she asked me if I would show the class how to have your dog sit/stay and down/ stay because they had just talked about the three "D's" (distractions, distance, and duration). I was like, "Sure!" 


So I asked Sox to sit and I carried Spice and we "performed" just like we've been practicing for our test. She did the sit/stay, then I asked her to down/stay. I walked away, came back, stepped over her, walked away, went down one of the aisles, then came back to the main aisle, released her, she ran to me and did a perfect sit right in front of me :) 


There were about 10 people in the class and they were all crowded in the window watching us. They applauded Sox when we got through. 


I was SO proud! (It did kinda help make up for the poop thing - ha!) 


Marykins (with Sox, the Demo Dog)